Magnetic Tape®
MagneticTape® it is the only tape designed to help modulate pain , the Autonomic Nervous System (Stress) and vascularization, increasing strength and neuromuscular activation.
It is an innovative tool developed in Spain. It can be used exclusively or as an adjuvant to other treatments and modalities necessary for the patient's recovery, enhancing their results.
Magnetic Tape® can be used in all phases of therapeutic action: Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation and Performance for all athletes and patients anywhere and at any time.

Know the correct applications according to the specific needs of each user.
Science and Benefits

¿Qué es Magnetic Tape®?
Magnetic Tape® is an elastic adhesive tape with particles with magnetic properties of 5m x 5cm with a longitudinal elongation of 50-60% designed to facilitate the local and systemic modulation process when coming into contact with the electromagnetic fields of human beings acting on the cutaneous receptors and these on the cutaneous nerves allowing neural stimulation.







Success Stories
Magnetic Tape®

Francisco Selva PT PhD Selva
The concept of current physiotherapy by Dr. Francisco Selva after his extensive experience in professional sports and sports physiotherapy, consists of modulating the dysfunctional findings of each patient by applying the assessment and treatment system of Superficial Neuromodulation® (SNM).
It is based on following an Embryological Hierarchy. This system serves the needs of each patient, whether for prevention, injury treatment or performance.
The patient comes for treatment for musculoskeletal pain (top of the pyramid) and before treating the musculoskeletal pain area locally if it has not been traumatic, it is necessary to begin treating the base of the pyramid.
Therefore, eliminating trauma throughout the body (sprains, surgical interventions, etc.) will be essential to eliminate the central aberrant myotatic reflex. Subsequently, eliminating the central dysfunctions that cause epidermal scars and thus moving up the pyramid by performing test-retest until reaching bone-muscle, where the musculoskeletal system will then be treated.
From an embryological point of view, it is necessary to first modulate ectodermal structures (epidermis) and then modulate mesodermal structures (musculoskeletal system).
Modulate the dysfunctional findings and not treat the patient's symptoms first. Difficult to understand for many, but this is the reason for the clinical “magic”. How beautiful is Physiotherapy!
Valoraciones de Nuestros Clientes

Desde que uso la cinta magnética en mis rodillas, he sentido menos fatiga después de correr. Me encanta cómo estabiliza las articulaciones sin restringir mis movimientos.

La cinta magnética es una gran herramienta para complementar mis tratamientos. Mis pacientes han notado mejoras significativas en su recuperación muscular y articular.

Recomiendo esta cinta a mis clientes para prevenir lesiones. Los imanes mejorar la circulación y el rendimiento durante entrenamientos intensos.

Mi fisioterapeuta me sugirió probarla para mi tendinitis y ha sido genial. La inflamación bajó más rápido de lo que esperaba.

Es la mejor cinta que he probado para mis entrenamientos. No solo siento apoyo, sino que también noto una recuperación más rápida después de las sesiones intensas.